Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Murphy u SOB !!!!!

today as i sat at work and chatted with a close frnd (yess thats wat i do at work... i chat... and NO im not being sarcastic... i mean it !! ), the question was put forward(to me, of course), that how come i dont write anymore... and i always give the same lame excuse..."but i dont knw wat to write about .. ". and then she went on to tell me the wonderful blogs she had read and i looked up to the heavens ( yea yea i knw there was a ceiling there, but im sure the big man upstairs has has X ray vision... i mean even james bond has that !!) and wondered y i wasnt given the power to think up of great stuff to write about.... i needed inspiration !!

i dont know wat made him so mad... but he decided to piss inspiration on me !! yes i literally mean piss... i mean only he cudve turned bright & sunny into storm type weather in just an instant.... its just like he was having a beer or two... heard my prayer and said "just u wait young man"... waited for me to get out of my office... opened his fly and went sweeeeee !!!!!

and so as i got drenched from head to toe and then back up to the head .... i started thinking... thinking about a certain murphy and his laws... i disticntly remember this coz this was given to me as a topic to speak on during my first college fest....

the BASIC murphys law states : Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!

todays scenario (pre-self-damning prayer): bright and sunny day .. a lil bit of cloud cover... but dont think even wasim akram cud get any swing out of it ...

and then i decide to leave office for the day

*sound somewhere around me : TIP TIP TIP

Me : Crap....

and thus began the downpour...

Hence i state Murphys law number 45: if there is even a slight chance of rain, it WILL happen the only time ur actually out in the open.

extention of law 45: it will most likely start as soon as ur out... and stop as soon as ur back in !

and now i shall state the hidden law... known as law number 0... ( and since i discovered it lets call it murphy_screwed_rav law): if u think u cant get hit by murphys law... u will !!!

oh wait im not done !!!

DID YOU KNOW.... today the auto rickshaws in mumbai decided to go on strike??? TODAY .!! of all days ???

and there is born murphys law number 128: the day you are gonna get soaked... is the day u will not find a vehicle to get back home/ auto guys go on strike ( READ: u r screwed!!!)

and here is born... wait for it .... an EXTENTION to the murphy_screwed_rav law.... if u think there is nooo possible way u can get hit by TWO murphy law derivatives in one day... well.. HELL YEAH u can !!!

and just for the record... this goes out to my seniors who taught me a very valuable lesson ... wen rape is inevitable.. lay back and enjoy....

today i knew i was gonna get soaked.. murphy screwed me over ... and u knw wat?? today i DID enjoy getting soaked ( yea yea i can see that grin on ur face nyta !!! :P :P :P )

now i shall leave u guys with a small piece of a conversation i had today :

XXYY: chk this quote out..... "there are gaps between your fingers so someone can fill those gaps ( by holding ur hands i suppose)

ME : naaahhhh.... those gaps are so the other person knows wat ur doing wen u flip him the bird !!!!